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Welcome to Preschool at Canal Winchester Local School District! Our philosophy is centered around supporting preschool children in developing essential cognitive, communication, pre-academic, social, emotional, play, and motor skills. We aim to nurture each student's curiosity, initiative to learn, independence, and positive self-image. Our dedicated classroom teams provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to interact with peers, adults, and materials, helping them achieve their individual goals and objectives. Recognizing the diversity of our students' abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds, our preschool program offers a variety of experiences to enrich their learning journey.

We believe that children learn best through interactions with people, materials, and concepts. Our skilled classroom staff encourages each child's exploration of the world by creating opportunities that enhance their learning through appropriate materials, planned spaces, teacher-guided lessons, playtime, and a consistent daily routine.

Furthermore, we value the importance of interaction among children with different developmental levels within the school community. In our Preschool classrooms, children with special needs have the opportunity to interact with peer models who exhibit age-appropriate social and communication skills.

At Canal Winchester Schools, we strongly believe that family plays a vital role as a child's most important teacher. We provide ongoing communication between our staff and parents, daily sheets to keep parents informed, and regular parent/teacher conferences to ensure we work together to support each child's growth and development. We are excited to have your child in our Preschool program and look forward to a fantastic learning journey together!


Mitzi Boyd

Special Education/Preschool Coordinator

James Cherwinski


Andrea Cordova

Preschool Teacher

Amanda Curry

Preschool Paraprofessional

Elizabeth Deeds

Preschool Paraprofessional

Allison Fryer

Preschool Teacher

Amy Irwin

Preschool Teacher

Kari Jenkins

Preschool Paraprofessional

Natalie Krell

Preschool Paraprofessional

Alison McCoy

Preschool Paraprofessional
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