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New Traffic Flow for Indian Trail Arrival and Dismissal

Canal Winchester Schools Buses parked next to each other in a parking lot.
Megan Anthony

We have made revisions to our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work to ensure the safety of our students during arrival and dismissal.


  • Parents are welcome to park and walk up to drop off their students. 
  • There will be one line for arrival in the Car Drop-off Line. Staff will be available to assist students and ensure they get into the building safely. Parents should pull up to a cone between 1-7. 

Dismissal for the Car Line:

  • We will now have two lines for dismissal to improve efficiency and safety. The locations are between our two crosswalks, cones 1-7.
  • 14 cars will enter the Parent Zone at one time loading the students between Cones 1-7.
  • Staff will assist students in getting into their vehicles. After all 14 cars are loaded in the Parent Zone, our School Resource Officer will dismiss all parents from the zone.
  • This process will be repeated until all students have been picked up.
  • To expedite the process safely, we will not be loading students that are outside of the Loading Zone (i.e Cones 1-7).

Dismissal for Parent Walk-Up:

  • We ask that parents wait in the Parent Pick-Up Area.
  • We encourage our 2nd-grade students to look for their parents quickly, alert a staff member, and head to the Parent Zone.
  • To ensure the safety of all, we ask that parents use the crosswalks.
  • Preschool parents must walk up to the building to pick up their students.

Thank you for your cooperation in making our school environment as safe as possible for our youngest Canal Winchester students.